Why is ResC-Ewe an innovative project?
The most ground-breaking objective and major challenge is to change mindsets in entrepreneurship, in education and training and society, recognizing the benefit of failure as a learning process and empowering "failures" to fall forwards, to start-up new companies while avoiding the mistakes of the past with clear KRIs and mitigation strategies and participating in learning networks to become more competitive and innovative.
The innovative practice will be transferred within the EWE/ResC-EWE network through emerging success stories and through pro-active communication and dissemination in local communities, in entrepreneurship education and at all policy levels.
Other novel concept in ResC-EWE is to mainstream ResC-EWE awareness and training into entrepreneurship training through the education, training and business counselling sectors in Europe. This will be achieved through the pro-active networking within Early Warning Europe. Another major innovation is constructing a European learning community for an extremely diverse target group with different challenges.