EWE Mentor Academy: First mentor workshop in Barcelona
10 November 2022
Best practices and innovative methods in mentoring and training future mentors was the focal point when the Early Warning Europe Mentor Academy met in Barcelona this october.
On October 26 and 27 2022, the Early Warning Europe Mentor Academy (EWE Mentor Academy) met in Barcelona with some of Europe’s most experienced business mentors.
Together they exchanged best practices and innovative methods in mentoring and training future mentors.
The EWE Mentor Academy is an initiative of the European Union. Its aim is to improve the availability and scope of services for companies in distress by expanding the network of mentors and services available in European and COSME countries.
The project will create an online training programme that can be used by business mentors working with companies in financial crisis and at other decisive moments of their businesses lifecycle (e.g. transfer of business ownership). The training programme aims to assist mentors to identify the most effective ways to enhance resilience.
The workshop in Barcelona is the first of nine workshops that will be held by the EWE Mentor Academy. It follows in-depth research into best practices in training business mentors of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in financial distress from around the world.
The outcomes of this event will be used for inputs to the next online workshops with new mentors.
According to research conducted by Early Warning Europe (2020) in Greece, Italy, Poland and Spain, SMEs face an increased risk of closure and insolvency due to the following challenges:
• Marketing (28.9%)
• Problematic business model (19%)
• Debt management (12%),
• Mixture of personal and business finances (10%),
• Accounting and taxation (9.1%)
• Personal problems (7%).
Other challenges facing SMEs include the COVID-19 crisis, disruption of supply chains, rising energy costs and the general economic downturn.
Listen to one of our mentors in here
For more information, please contact Perrine Andersen at +34 630 100 258 / perrine@aarcconsultancy.com