
General Objectives

  • To introduce mentors to the objectives of the EWEMA initiative
  • To introduce to peer learning methods
  • To test methodologies that will enable effective training of new mentors 


Final workshop

EWEMA is currently formulating a set of final recommendations for mentoring companies in distress that have the potential to contribute to the design of the early warning mentoring landscape across Europe and COSME countries.

EWEMA will present its achievements and the final recommendations to a wide range of stakeholders from all over Europe at its final workshop in Barcelona, Spain, from 22-23 October. Click here to see the full Agenda for Day 1 and Day 2.

You will have the opportunity to meet online with the community of existing and potential mentors from your country and across borders. You will also learn more about the Community of Practice. Together we can build a supportive ecosystem for entrepreneurs experiencing difficulties. 

Date and time of online event (Day 2): 23 October 2024, (9 AM – 12 PM CET).
Click here to see the agenda for Day 2 ONLINE.

We welcome individuals and organisation representatives who operate in the EU, and COSME states, interested in listening in and participating online to register by or before 6th October.

Click here to register
(Please also give your consent to the Data Protection Notice (DPN) found within the registration link.)

Registration is obligatory. Event link will be shared with confirmed registrants only.

Previous workshops

Workshop 8 (21 and 23 November 2023)
Theme: Green transition
Date: Day 1 - 21 of November 2023 Time: 16:00 - 18:00 CET
Date: Day 2 - 23 of November 2023 Time: 16:00 - 18:00 CET

Workshop 7 (26 and 28 September 2023)
Workshop 7 hosted 68 participants from 29 countries. The online workshop was designed to enable mentors to exchange experiences and best practices on the topics of conflict resolution, mediation, and IP rights protection. These were the most popularly requested topics by mentors in the survey organized held in the fifth Workshop. The EWEMA gave participants the much-needed opportunity to tackle hands on three real case studies, each one more difficult than the other. All participants were asked to propose the action plans to solve the cases related to the topics presented. And to crown the event, exciting news about an emerging Community of Practice for early warning mentors, was revealed and outlined to the audience. The planned CoP is intended to link the community of mentors to the wider community of business support agencies at national and European levels. Participants were given the exclusive chance to express their expectations of such a CoP, and the EWEMA took careful note of these. Stay tuned!

Workshop 6 (23 and 25 May 2023)
The topics addressed were Family business succession, Business transfer, and Valuation. The turnout was amazing with over 100 participants from all over Europe. Watch a concise testimonial from three different participants here
Learn more about Workshop 6 here

Workshop 5 (7 and 9 March 2023)
The fifth EWEMA workshop covered effective group supervision techniques, business trends and their impact on the economy, market, and brands. Mentors learnt how to map challenges and future changes relevant to entrepreneurs, best practices in supervision, moderating, and mentor networking meetings. Gain extra insight here

Workshop 4 (7 and 9 February 2023)
Our 4th workshop considered how a mentor can help a struggling entrepreneur deal with psychological as well as how to work with a mentee who needs to learn to take care of themselves, how to listen actively and empower the mentee to take charge. Read more here 

Workshop 3 (17 and 19 January 2023)
Financial diagnosis was the main focus of the third workshop of the EWEMA that took place on 17 and 19 January, 2023. For those who missed it, and for those who wish to relive that incredibly enriching experience over again, you can read more about it here

Workshop 2 (22 and 24 November 2022)
This workshop was held online for the first time. The offer on the menu was resplendent and varied. The topics helped to reinforce the vital soft skills of business mentors in early warning.
1. Understanding the Role of the Mentor.
2. The Matchmaking Process.
3. The Meaning of Cooperation Agreements and Code of Ethics.
4. Building Trust.
5. The Economic Context - the macroeconomy in Europe.
6. Sales and Marketing Case Study, Diagnosis Interviews.
7. Understanding National Differences.

Workshop 1 (26 and 27 October 2022)
Best practices and innovative methods in mentoring and training future mentors was the focal point when the Early Warning Europe Mentor Academy met in Barcelona. Read all about it here

Library of Workshop Learning Materials

Presentations (pending)

Handouts (pending)


© European Union, 2022. This platform is an initiative of the European Commission funded by the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs (COSME).

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Copyright @ 2022 Early Warning Europe. All rights reserved